Guida di Warhammer online!

Ecco qui la guida da Warhammer Alliance
Tasto destro “Salva con nome per scaricarla”

Post originale di Warhammer Alliance

Included in the Open Beta Client is, The Warhammer Online Players Guide. This is your guide to your WAR world. It includes player career basics, combat basics, information about basic RvR, how quests are handled and a lot more very useful information, including a very basic UI walkthrough, skills and abilities descriptions as well. This is a must read for any Warhammer Online user. Check it out.

It is important to remember that this guide was written much earlier during the beta phases. Some things may have changed between when it was written and release, however it will serve as a good foundation for new users.

~ di Krolom - Warcafè su agosto 19, 2008.

Una Risposta to “Guida di Warhammer online!”

  1. I personally think about the reasons why you called this article, “Guida
    di Warhammer online! WARCAFE”. No matter what I actually admired the blog!


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